Assessment of Argumentation Quality
The project aims to develop models to automatically assess the quality of arguments in short messages on social networks, such as Twitter. The methodology includes the creation of an annotated corpus to build a system that automatically performs this assessment.
About Us
Computational approach for automatic assessment of the quality of argumentation in the rhetorical dimension of tweets in the domain of Brazilian politics.
Research on argumentation, fundamental to human communication, spans multiple disciplines, including computer science. With the shift to social networks as a key source of argumentative content, recent Natural Language Processing studies have focused on automatic argument evaluation. This work aims to contribute to Portuguese argument quality assessment by proposing and validating a computational model to evaluate rhetorical quality in Brazilian political tweets. The approach includes developing a neural model fine-tuned with BERTimbau, annotated data, and guidelines. The model achieved 100% accuracy in predicting high-quality arguments.
Cássio Faria da Silva
Research developed at:
Laboratory of Linguistics and Computational Intelligence
Department of Computer Science
Federal University of São Carlos - UFSCar
cassiofs at gmail.com Read More
Project's Goal
The objective of the project is to develop models for the automatic evaluation of the quality of the argumentation of short messages from social networks, such as Twitter.
Our methodology will involve the construction of an annotated corpus for the modeling of an automatic system for evaluating the quality of the argumentation of messages.
Linguists / Annotators
Amanda Pontes Rassi
Jackson Wilke C. Souza
Renata Ramisch
Roger Alfredo M. R. Antunes
Research supervised by DC/UFSCar professors
Dr.ª Helena de Medeiros Caseli
Dr.ª Vânia Paula de Almeida Neris

Corpus Annotation Guidelines
In this section, we provide the file containing the annotation guidelines used in the project. This document details the classification and annotation process, describing specific criteria and instructions to ensure consistency and accuracy in the corpus analysis. The guidelines were designed to clearly guide the annotation work, serving as a reference for those interested in replicating or understanding the techniques applied in this project. Download below to access the complete document.
Download GuidelinesPrototype

User Interface Prototype for the General Public
This section presents the development process of the public interface created for the use of the model for assessing the quality of argumentation in tweets in the context of Brazilian politics, as developed in this research. The interface was designed with the aim of helping the user understand how the system works, identify the available resources and use them appropriately. The following link provides access to the proposed interface. It is worth noting that the data was extracted from X (formerly known as Twitter) and is used exclusively for academic purposes.
Access the interface prototypeRelated Publications
This section presents the publications resulting from this doctoral project. Here you will find the academic articles that share the experiments, methods and contributions related to the research. The publications are available for consultation and serve as a source of knowledge about the stages, results and impacts generated by the project. Below you can access each published work, with links to the full text or abstract, when available.
Quality of argumentation in political tweets: what is and how to measure it
Journal of Language
Studies (RELIN)
The article published in issue 29(4) of the Journal of Language Studies (RELIN) presents the entire
process of collecting, defining guidelines and annotating the corpus. The article is divided into 6
sections. The first section presents an assessment of the quality of argumentation as a research
area and addresses some aspects of the style of messages on the social network Twitter, the data
source for this work. The second section presents the works related to this research. The third
section presents the aspects of the quality of argumentation applied in this work. The fourth
section presents, in detail, the entire process of constructing the corpus. The fifth section
presents the process of annotating the corpus according to the guidelines established for this
purpose. This section also presents examples of annotation and the spreadsheet used by the
annotators, in addition to the annotation statistics and analysis of agreement between annotators.
The sixth and last section presents the final considerations and future directions.
Cássio Faria da et al. Quality of argumentation in political tweets: what is and how to
measure it. Revista de Estudos da Linguagem, [S.l.], v. 29, n. 4, p. 2537-2586, Jul. 2021. ISSN
2237-2083. Available at: http://dx.doi.org/10.17851/2237-2083.29.4.2537-2586.
Argument Quality Assessment in Brazilian political tweets
Revista Linguamática
The article published in issue 15(1) of the Revista Linguamática describes the experiments carried
out with the aim of producing a computational model capable of automatically evaluating the quality
of argumentation in political messages written in Portuguese. This article presents the algorithms
used and the results of the experiments carried out on the corpus of messages. The first section
presents the evaluation of the quality of argumentation as a research area and presents the research
questions that this study seeks to answer. The second section presents the works related to this
research, including the taxonomy proposed by Wachsmuth et al. (2017). The third section presents, in
summary form, the process of elaboration and annotation of the corpus, in addition to the details of
how the scores for each of the aspects of the taxonomy were calculated. The fourth section presents
the experiments carried out with feature-based ML and the experiments with BERTimbau and
RoBERTaTwitterBR. The fifth section presents the results found and the qualitative and quantitative
analyses. The sixth section presents the conclusions, limitations and future work.
SILVA, Cássio Faria da; NERIS, Vânia Paula de Almeida; CASELI, Helena de Medeiros. Argument
Quality Assessment in Brazilian political tweets. Linguamática, v. 15, n.1, p. 102-127, 7 Jul.
2023. ISSN 1647–0818. Available at: https://doi.org/10.21814/lm.15.1.387.
Research in the area of argumentation, inherent to human beings and essential for both spoken and
written communication, dates back to the 4th century BC. The argument is multidisciplinary and
covers several fields of research, including computer science. Communication has evolved to social
networks, which are a considerable source of argumentative texts in various domains, such as
politics. The automatic evaluation of arguments is the subject of recent studies in the area of
Natural Language Processing and computational models that seek to perform this task are being
proposed, especially based on algorithms based on Support Vector Machines and Deep Learning. In
parallel, corpus of argumentative texts in English are being produced. As a way of contributing to
research related to the assessment of the quality of argumentation in Portuguese, this work aims to
propose, implement and validate a computational approach, for the automatic assessment of the
quality of argumentation in the rhetorical dimension in tweets related to Brazilian politics. The
approach involves developing a computational model, an annotated corpus with policy-related
messages, and task-specific annotation guidelines. The studies carried out here showed that the most
appropriate way to assess the quality of arguments in tweets related to Brazilian politics was using
a neural model generated from the fine-tuning of BERTimbau. The proposed model was able to predict
with 100% accuracy instances of the High quality argumentation class.
SILVA, Cássio Faria da. Abordagem computacional para avaliação automática da qualidade da
argumentação na dimensão retórica de tweets no domínio da política brasileira. 2023. Tese
(Doutorado em Ciência da Computação) – Universidade Federal de São Carlos, São Carlos, 2023.
Available at: https://repositorio.ufscar.br/handle/ufscar/18253.

Research developed at
Laboratory of Linguistics and Computational Intelligence
Department of Computer Science
Federal University of São Carlos - UFSCar
Email Us
Cássio Faria da Silva
cassiofs at gmail.com